Funding for Wetland and Woodland Improvement in Oxford County

The County of Oxford has provided additional funding for wetland and woodland improvement projects.

Wetlands Conservation and Enhancement

Funding is available for the following projects:

  • Create swamps, marshes and ponds (for wildlife)
  • Plant buffer strips around swamps, marshes and ponds
  • Plant lure crops, such as native grasses, around swamps, marshes and ponds
  • Install wetland drain structures for wetland creation and controlled drainage
  • Install water level control devices
  • Install habitat structures such as wood duck boxes, osprey nests and basking areas
  • Install beaver baffles
  • Invasive species control measures
  • Subsurface drainage tile removal or system decommissioning

Woodlands Conservation and Enhancement

Funding is available for the following projects:

  • Woodland management plans
  • Woodland marking and timber sale supervision
  • Woodland expansions and connections
  • Woodland clean up
  • Roadside tree planting and maintenance
  • Woodland technical advice

The program expansion increases the County’s commitment for the Clean Water Program and other water protection initiatives. This funding supports the excellent uptake of water quality improvements in the Thames watershed and, specifically, in Oxford County.

Oxford Stewardship Award

Each year, the County of Oxford presents the Oxford Stewardship Award to recognize landowners in the County who have invested in projects on their lands to improve land, water or air quality. The award is also intended to educate all residents of Oxford County on the contributions that the County and individuals are making towards sustainable environmental stewardship.

To be eligible, the individual/business must be an Oxford County resident who received Clean Water Program incentive funding for a project or projects on lands within the County of Oxford during the previous calendar year.

Clean Water Program

The Clean Water Program is a collaborative effort between municipalities to help improve and protect water quality in Oxford County, Middlesex County and Perth County. The program is delivered by local Conservation Authority staff. Through the program, technical & financial assistance is provided for projects that improve and protect water quality. Funding is provided by the municipalities.